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Hi, I'm Isabel
Sociologist, Healing Guide,
Award-Winning Film Producer, Speaker,
Author, Clairvoyant
Superpower: Synesthesia
"It is my purpose to bring your Soul to the heart of the matter."
~ The Joseph Communications
I am a visionary and catalyst for global change.
I serve as a Sociologist, a Multi-Award-Winning Film Producer of the film “The Power of Connection”, a Speaker, the Author of my book “The Power of Faith-Driven Success”, a Healing Guide, and a Visionary.
I've spent the past 10+ years uncovering key insights into what makes us human. From labels, social programming, false identities, and genetic, historical, and soul trauma to unconscious biases, I'm passionate about understanding how all of these things intertwine.
Due to my unique gift of synesthesia, which allows me to see everything in color, I see the world as a beautiful dance that evokes compassion and sincere love for humanity.
My focus is on shattering cultural barriers and engaging in cultural transformation globally through aspects of emotional and self-awareness and supporting the individual in healing trauma, and releasing old belief systems and programming.
I support Souls to remember who they truly are through the work of releasing the layers of hurt, pain, and trauma that we have believed to be our true state of existence which caused chaos and division for way too long. I guide people through the process of reconstructing their inner map of the world.
It is time to rise up and create a future of commUnity, soul-connection, joy, peace, and freedom honoring ourselves, each other, and Mother Earth.

What Clients Say
"Only when the individual consciousness
has been relocated to the heart can it grow."
The Joseph Communications